0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 27, 2013 12:38 PM by rachel_o

    Fuse Fabric registry - handling variables/properties


      I understand that I can provide a name and Fuse Fabric registry will serve up an endpoint and that endpoint can change. Good.

      How can I handle other properties/variables?


      For example - client A needs to invoke webservice A, client B needs to invoke webservice B. Clinet C and D etc may come along in the future.


      How do I resolve which webservice to invoke, knowing only the value of client? I cannot use a choice route as I do not want to hardcode choices or alter code if another client comes along - is this not what properties are for?


      I want to give something, i.e. the registry a client value and have it map to the endpoint for this client.


      How can I do this in Fuse?