1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 13, 2013 9:19 PM by ffang

    How to disable Fuse automatically start bundle when launch fuse esb


      I have created a bundle using Maven. I use blueprint to activate this bundle. In the init() mehtod:


      public void init() {





              CmdLineSettings settings = new CmdLineSettings();


              // Load modules

              FloodlightModuleLoader fml = new FloodlightModuleLoader();


              IFloodlightModuleContext moduleContext =   



              // Run REST server

              IRestApiService restApi = moduleContext.getServiceImpl(IRestApiService.class);



              // Run the main floodlight module

              IFloodlightProviderService controller =



              // This call blocks, it has to be the last line in the main




      In this case, controller.run() will run forever. So once I type:

      FuseESB:karaf@root> osgi:start 251

      It keeps running and running.


      I cant kill it, because it cant return to the new black command line - FuseESB:karaf@root>


      Then I cant type osgi:stop 251 into the karaf console.


      Then I close the terminal. But when I start fuse esb:



      That bundle start running again. Finally, I got to reinstall fuse esb.


      So I am wondering if there is a way to disable automatically start bundle in fuse esb. Or do I need to use thread to handle this running forever program?

        • 1. Re: How to disable Fuse automatically start bundle when launch fuse esb



          You definitely shouldn't block the init method, using another thread is a way.


          And about auto-start the bundle, it depend on how you deploy that bundle, I guess you drop it to the $FUSE_ESB/deploy folder, right? If so, the bundle will get started anyway.

          But you can always stop a bundle or uninstall it from another ssh client shell, or you can simply remove $FUSE_ESB/data/cache/bundle$ and remove that bundle from $FUSE_ESB/deploy folder and then restart FUSE ESB, you needn't reinstall FUSE ESB anyway.

