7 Replies Latest reply on May 5, 2013 4:00 PM by mpalvankar

    Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix




      I am trying deploy a bundle that fetches versions from Drools Guvnor running on Tomcat. The response from Drools Guvnor is an atom feed and I am using apache abdera to parse the feed.



      The apache abdera servicemix bundle (org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera version 0.4.0-incubating_4) gets installed with an installation of org.apache.servicemix.bundles.drools(version 5.5.0.Final_1).


      While using the bundle (org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera) for parsing the atom feed, the servicemix is throwing an error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.axiom.om.impl.llom.factory.OMLinkedListImplFactory. This class is available as part of axiom-impl-1.2.7.jar which is included in org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera.


      Any help on this issue is appreciated. Below is the sample code.


      private void testGetPackageVersionsForAtom() throws MalformedURLException, IOException {


           URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/guvnor5/rest/packages/common.rules.repo/versions");

           HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();


                     "Basic " + org.apache.cxf.common.util.Base64Utility.encode("admin:admin".getBytes()));



           connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", MediaType.APPLICATION_ATOM_XML);


           System.out.println("Connected to Guvno5");


           InputStream in = connection.getInputStream();

           System.out.println("Got IN");


           if(null == abdera){

                abdera = new Abdera();

                System.out.println("created ABDERA ......");



           Document entries = feed.getEntries();

           System.out.println("Got list of Entry:"+entries.size());

           for(Entry entry : entries){

                System.out.println("Version title: " +  entry.getTitle());

                System.out.println("Href: " + entry.getLinks().get(0).getHref().getPath());




        • 1. Re: Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix



          Could you please double check if you really install axiom-impl bundle? the org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera bundle just import package from axiom-impl bundle, you still need install axiom-impl  bundle yourself.



          • 2. Re: Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix

            I installed bundle axiom-impl, but I still get the same error. I am copying the error log below.




            org.apache.camel.CamelExecutionException: Exception occurred during execution on the exchange: Exchange[Message: ]


            Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.abdera.parser.stax.FOMFactory not found from bundle

                 at org.springframework.osgi.util.BundleDelegatingClassLoader.findClass(BundleDelegatingClassLoader.java:112)

                 at org.springframework.osgi.util.BundleDelegatingClassLoader.loadClass(BundleDelegatingClassLoader.java:156)

                 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.locateInstance(ServiceUtil.java:228)[173:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_4]

                 at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.locateInstance(ServiceUtil.java:222)[173:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_4]

                 at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.locate(ServiceUtil.java:144)[173:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_4]

                 at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.newInstance(ServiceUtil.java:58)[173:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_4]

                 at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.newFactoryInstance(ServiceUtil.java:97)[173:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_4]

                 at org.apache.abdera.util.AbderaConfiguration.newFactoryInstance(AbderaConfiguration.java:273)[173:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_4]

                 at org.apache.abdera.Abdera.newFactory(Abdera.java:210)[173:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_4]

                 at org.apache.abdera.Abdera.(Abdera.java:81)[173:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_4]

                 at com.rule.RuleLoaderImpl.testGetPackageVersionsForAtom(RuleLoaderImpl.java:48)[229:rule-schedular:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT]

                 at com.rule.RuleLoaderImpl.loadRules(RuleLoaderImpl.java:25)[229:rule-schedular:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT]

                 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo.invoke(MethodInfo.java:329)

                 at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo$1.proceed(MethodInfo.java:231)

                 at org.apache.camel.component.bean.BeanProcessor.process(BeanProcessor.java:169)[83:org.apache.camel.camel-core:2.8.0.fuse-00-08]

                 ... 41 more

            Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axiom/om/impl/llom/factory/OMLinkedListImplFactory

                 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(ClassLoader.java:631)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:615)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader.findClass(ModuleImpl.java:1946)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation(ModuleImpl.java:752)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.access$400(ModuleImpl.java:72)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(ModuleImpl.java:1806)

                 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.getClassByDelegation(ModuleImpl.java:670)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.resolver.WireModuleImpl.getClass(WireModuleImpl.java:97)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.searchImports(ModuleImpl.java:1425)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation(ModuleImpl.java:747)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.access$400(ModuleImpl.java:72)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(ModuleImpl.java:1806)

                 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)[:1.6.0_26]

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.getClassByDelegation(ModuleImpl.java:670)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.loadBundleClass(Felix.java:1613)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleImpl.loadClass(BundleImpl.java:909)

                 at org.springframework.osgi.util.BundleDelegatingClassLoader.findClass(BundleDelegatingClassLoader.java:99)

                 ... 61 more

            Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.axiom.om.impl.llom.factory.OMLinkedListImplFactory not found by org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation(ModuleImpl.java:812)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl.access$400(ModuleImpl.java:72)

                 at org.apache.felix.framework.ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(ModuleImpl.java:1806)

                 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)[:1.6.0_26]




            • 3. Re: Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix



              Could you post the result of







              • 4. Re: Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix

                Below are the results of osgi:list



                karaf@root> osgi:list

                START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50

                   ID   State         Blueprint      Spring    Level  Name

                activemq-pool (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                activemq-console (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                kahadb (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                activemq-ra (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                activemq-core (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                                                       Fragments: 62

                Apache Aries Transaction Manager (0.2.0.incubating)

                activemq-karaf (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec (1.0.1)

                Commons Pool (1.5.4)

                geronimo-jms_1.1_spec (1.1.1)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-codec (

                Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xpp3-1.1.4c (

                Commons Collections (3.2.1)

                Apache ServiceMix Bundles: oro-2.0.8 (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jasypt (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-lang (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jdom (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: velocity (

                activemq-blueprint (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                                                       Hosts: 48

                Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: Scripting API 1.0 (1.8.0)

                Apache XBean :: OSGI Blueprint Namespace Handler (3.7)

                Commons JEXL (2.0.1)

                activemq-broker.xml (0.0.0)

                Spring Beans (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                Spring Context Support (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                Spring Context (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                Spring Expression Language (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                Spring ASM (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                Spring Core (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                Spring AOP (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: aopalliance (

                spring-osgi-core (1.2.1)

                spring-osgi-io (1.2.1)

                spring-osgi-annotation (1.2.1)

                spring-osgi-extender (1.2.1)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: cglib (

                activemq-spring (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache XBean :: Spring (3.7)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxb-impl (

                camel-core (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                camel-karaf-commands (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                Commons Management (1.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: Stax API 1.0 (1.8.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JAXB API 2.2 (1.8.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: Activation API 1.4 (1.8.0)

                camel-spring (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                Spring Transaction (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                Apache ServiceMix Bundles: dom4j-1.6.1 (

                Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xstream-1.3 (

                camel-jms (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                Spring JMS (3.0.5.RELEASE)

                activemq-camel (5.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Document (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: NMR :: Commands (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: NMR :: Management (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: NMR :: OSGi (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: NMR :: Core (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: NMR :: API (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Utils (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Features :: Camel Support :: Component (4.4.1.fuse-00-08)

                Web Services Metadata 2.0 (1.1.3)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JAXWS API 2.2 (1.8.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: SAAJ API 1.3 (1.8.0)

                Jetty :: JNDI Naming (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Continuation (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Http Utility (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Asynchronous HTTP Client (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Server Core (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Servlet Handling (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: IO Utility (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Security (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: XML utilities (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Utilities (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Plus (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: JMX Management (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters (7.4.1.v20110513)

                Jetty :: Webapp Application Support (7.4.1.v20110513)

                geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec (1.1.2)

                JavaMail API (1.4.3)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xmlsec (

                jettison (1.3)

                Apache CXF Bundle Jar (2.4.2.fuse-00-08)

                WSS4J (1.6.1)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xmlbeans (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: saaj-impl (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: velocity (

                Joda-Time (1.6.2)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: FastInfoset (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: wsdl4j (

                Apache Neethi (3.0.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xmlresolver (

                XmlSchema Core (2.0)

                Abdera Core (1.1.2)

                Woodstox XML-processor (4.1.1)

                Stax2 API (3.1.1)

                I18N Libraries (1.1.2)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JSR-311 API 1.1 (1.8.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: opensaml (

                Axiom API (1.2.12)

                camel-cxf-transport (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                camel-cxf (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                camel-blueprint (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Naming (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache Aries Transaction Manager (0.3.0)

                Apache Aries Transaction Enlisting JDBC Datasource (0.3.0)

                Apache Aries Transaction Blueprint (0.3.0)

                camel-jaxb (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: JBI :: Deployer (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: JBI :: Commands (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: JBI :: OSGi (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: JBI :: Runtime (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Shared Libraries :: Common (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JBI API 1.0 (1.8.0)

                Apache XBean :: Classloader (3.7)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: ant (

                Apache ServiceMix :: JBI :: Clustering :: Requestor (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: JBI :: Clustering :: Engine (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: JBI :: Clustering :: Config (1.5.1.fuse-00-08)

                OPS4J Pax Web - API (1.0.3)

                OPS4J Pax Web - Runtime (1.0.3)

                OPS4J Pax Web - Service SPI (1.0.3)

                OPS4J Pax Web - Jetty (1.0.3)

                OPS4J Pax Web - Extender - Whiteboard (1.0.3)

                OPS4J Pax Web - Extender - WAR (1.0.3)

                OPS4J Pax Url - war (1.2.6)

                OPS4J Pax Web - Jsp Support (1.0.3)

                OPS4J Pax Web - FileInstall Deployer (1.0.3)

                jettison (1.2)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: abdera (0.4.0.incubating_4)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: CXF Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Servlet 3.0 (1.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Shared Libraries :: SOAP Stack v2 (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: File Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: FTP Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Commons Net (2.2)

                camel-quartz (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: quartz (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-dbcp (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: HTTP Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jetty (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-httpclient (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Shared Libraries :: SOAP Stack (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: JMS Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec (2.0.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Mail Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: SMPP Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jsmpp (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: SNMP Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: snmp4j (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: VFS Binding Component (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-vfs (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Bean Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Camel Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache CXF Runtime JBI Transport (2.4.2.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: CXF Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache CXF Runtime JBI Binding (2.4.2.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxb-impl (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxb-xjc (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: drools (5.5.0.Final_1)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: mvel2 (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: antlr-runtime (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: core (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Drools Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: drools (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: EIP Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: OSWorkflow Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: oscore (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: osworkflow (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: propertyset (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Quartz Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Groovy Runtime (1.8.0)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: JSR-223 Scripting Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                ScriptEngines :: Groovy (1.1)

                ScriptEngines :: JavaScript (1.1)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: js (

                ScriptEngines :: JRuby (1.1)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jruby (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxen (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: axiom-impl (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Validation Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: Saxon Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: saxon (

                Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: WS-Notification Service Engine (2011.02.1.fuse-00-08)

                camel-atom (2.8.0.fuse-00-08)





                • 5. Re: Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix



                  What's exact FUSE ESB version you're using?


                  Seems you messed up axiom/abdera bundles, for example you have

                  Axiom API (1.2.12)


                  Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: axiom-impl (

                  the API and Impl version are mismatch, also, one is servicemix wrapped  bundle but one isn't. You have similar issue for abdera bundles.


                  Could you please use a clean fuse esb and install camel-atom feature which will install both axiom and abdera for you.



                  • 6. Re: Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix

                    I am using JBoss FUSE version - "jboss-fuse-6.0.0.redhat-024".


                    I installed below installations:


                    Installation 1

                    1. camel-quartz - as my sample application uses quartz

                    2. abdera - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera/0.4.0-incubating_6

                    3. axiom - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.axiom-impl/1.2.13_2


                    Installation 2

                    1. camel-quartz - as my sample application uses quartz

                    2. camel-atom - this installs Abdera Core 1.1.3

                    3. abdera - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera/0.4.0-incubating_6

                    4. axiom - org.apache.servicemix.bundles.axiom-impl/1.2.13_2


                    In the second installation I had to install abdera (servicemix bundle) as my application requires abdera parser too.


                    I have not been able to resolve the issue with bot the installation options. And the error is



                    Caused by: org.apache.camel.CamelExecutionException: Exception occurred during execution on the exchange: Exchange[Message: ]



                    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.abdera.parser.stax.FOMFactory not found from bundle

                         at org.springframework.osgi.util.BundleDelegatingClassLoader.findClass(BundleDelegatingClassLoader.java:112)

                         at org.springframework.osgi.util.BundleDelegatingClassLoader.loadClass(BundleDelegatingClassLoader.java:156)

                         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.locateInstance(ServiceUtil.java:228)[241:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_6]

                         at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.locateInstance(ServiceUtil.java:222)[241:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_6]

                         at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.locate(ServiceUtil.java:144)[241:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_6]

                         at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.newInstance(ServiceUtil.java:58)[241:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_6]

                         at org.apache.abdera.util.ServiceUtil.newFactoryInstance(ServiceUtil.java:97)[241:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_6]

                         at org.apache.abdera.util.AbderaConfiguration.newFactoryInstance(AbderaConfiguration.java:273)[241:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_6]

                         at org.apache.abdera.Abdera.newFactory(Abdera.java:210)[241:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_6]

                         at org.apache.abdera.Abdera.(Abdera.java:81)[241:org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera:0.4.0.incubating_6]

                         at com.rule.RuleLoaderImpl.testGetPackageVersionsForAtom(RuleLoaderImpl.java:46)[242:rule-schedular:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT]

                         at com.rule.RuleLoaderImpl.loadRules(RuleLoaderImpl.java:24)[242:rule-schedular:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT]

                         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo.invoke(MethodInfo.java:390)

                         at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo$1.doProceed(MethodInfo.java:277)

                         at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo$1.proceed(MethodInfo.java:250)

                         ... 52 more

                    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axiom/om/impl/llom/factory/OMLinkedListImplFactory

                         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(ClassLoader.java:631)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:615)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.findClass(BundleWiringImpl.java:2275)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation(BundleWiringImpl.java:1501)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.access$400(BundleWiringImpl.java:75)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.loadClass(BundleWiringImpl.java:1955)

                         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.getClassByDelegation(BundleWiringImpl.java:1374)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.searchImports(BundleWiringImpl.java:1580)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation(BundleWiringImpl.java:1484)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.access$400(BundleWiringImpl.java:75)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.loadClass(BundleWiringImpl.java:1955)

                         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)[:1.6.0_26]

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.loadBundleClass(Felix.java:1862)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleImpl.loadClass(BundleImpl.java:937)

                         at org.springframework.osgi.util.BundleDelegatingClassLoader.findClass(BundleDelegatingClassLoader.java:99)

                         ... 72 more

                    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.axiom.om.impl.llom.factory.OMLinkedListImplFactory not found by org.apache.servicemix.bundles.abdera

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.findClassOrResourceByDelegation(BundleWiringImpl.java:1532)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl.access$400(BundleWiringImpl.java:75)

                         at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader.loadClass(BundleWiringImpl.java:1955)

                         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:247)[:1.6.0_26]

                         ... 89 more



                    • 7. Re: Using Apache Abdera on Servicemix

                      And below is the bundle list:



                      JBossFuse:karaf@root> list

                      START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: -1

                         ID   State         Blueprint      Spring    Level  Name

                      System Bundle (4.0.3.redhat-60024)

                      OPS4J Pax Url - mvn: (1.3.6)

                      OPS4J Pax Url - wrap: (1.3.6)

                      OPS4J Pax Logging - Service (1.7.0)

                      OPS4J Pax Logging - API (1.7.0)

                      Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service (1.4.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Felix Bundle Repository (1.6.6)

                      Apache Felix File Install (3.3.11.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries Proxy Service (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries Blueprint API (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      ASM all classes with debug info (4.1)

                      Apache Aries Blueprint CM (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries Proxy API (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries Util (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries Blueprint Core (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Console (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Features :: OBR Resolver (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Config (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Blueprint (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Spring (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Admin :: Core (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Features :: Core (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Wrap Non OSGi Jar (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Log Commands (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Diagnostic :: Common (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: SSH (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Karaf Archive (.kar) (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Features (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Modules (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Development Commands (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Features :: Management (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Mina SSHD :: Core (0.8.0)

                      Apache Karaf :: Diagnostic :: Management (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Diagnostic :: Command (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache MINA Core (2.0.7)

                      Apache Karaf :: Admin :: Command (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Features :: Command (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Admin :: Management (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries JMX Core (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries JMX API (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Development Commands (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries JMX Blueprint Core (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Aries JMX Blueprint API (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Various Commands (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Jaas :: Command (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: PackageAdmin Commands (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: OSGi Commands (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Diagnostic :: Core (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jasypt (

                      Jackson JSON processor (1.9.10)

                      Commons Lang (2.6)

                      Data mapper for Jackson JSON processor (1.9.10)

                      Fuse Fabric :: LinkedIn ZooKeeper Bundle (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      Commons Codec (1.6.0)

                      Fuse Fabric :: ZooKeeper Service (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      OSGi-fied scala-library (2.9.1)

                      Fuse Fabric :: Core (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      Fuse Insight :: Logging (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      Fuse Fabric :: Boot Commands (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jsch (

                      Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Jasypt Encryption (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: ConfigAdmin Commands (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management :: MBeans :: System (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management :: MBeans :: Bundles (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management :: MBeans :: Services (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management :: MBeans :: Config (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management :: MBeans :: Log (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management :: MBeans :: Packages (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management :: MBeans :: Dev (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      Fuse Fabric :: Core Agent SSH (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      Fuse Application Bundles :: OSGi (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      OPS4J Base - Net (1.2.2)

                      OPS4J Base - Lang (1.2.2)

                      Fuse Common :: Util (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      OPS4J Base - Util - Property (1.2.2)

                      OPS4J Pax Swissbox :: Optional JCL (1.3.1)

                      OPS4J Base - Monitors (1.2.2)

                      OPS4J Pax Swissbox - Property (1.2.0)

                      Jetty :: Http Utility (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Servlet Handling (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: IO Utility (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Security (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Asynchronous HTTP Client (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Server Core (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: JNDI Naming (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Continuation (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Webapp Application Support (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: XML utilities (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Utilities (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Websocket (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: Plus (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      Jetty :: JMX Management (7.6.7.v20120910)

                      geronimo-jta_1.1_spec (1.1.1)

                      geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec (1.2)

                      JavaMail API (compat) (1.4.5)

                      OPS4J Pax Web - Service SPI (1.1.11)

                      OPS4J Pax Web - Jetty (1.1.11)

                      OPS4J Pax Web - API (1.1.11)

                      OPS4J Pax Web - Runtime (1.1.11)

                      Fuse Fabric :: Maven Proxy (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      Fuse Patch :: Commands (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      Fuse Patch :: Core (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      Spring Context Support (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Spring Beans (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Spring Context (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Spring AOP (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Spring ASM (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Spring Core (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Spring Expression Language (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: aopalliance (

                      Commons Pool (1.6.0)

                      Commons Net (3.2.0)

                      activemq-osgi (5.8.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache XBean :: Spring (3.12.0)

                      geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec (1.0.1)

                      geronimo-jms_1.1_spec (1.1.1)

                      activemq-karaf (5.8.0.redhat-60024)

                      jettison (1.3.3)

                      Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xstream-1.3 (

                      Scala Standard Library (2.10.0.v20121205-112020-VFINAL-18481cef9b)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xpp3 (

                      Apache Aries Transaction Manager (1.0.1.redhat-60024)

                      activeio-core (3.1.4)

                      geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec (2.0.0)

                      Joda-Time (1.6.2)

                      Fuse Fabric :: Cluster Groups API (7.2.0.redhat-024)

                      JBoss A-MQ Fabric (6.0.0.redhat-024)

                      camel-karaf-commands (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-core (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      spring-osgi-annotation (1.2.1)

                      spring-osgi-extender (1.2.1)

                      spring-osgi-core (1.2.1)

                      spring-osgi-io (1.2.1)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: cglib (

                      Spring Transaction (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      camel-spring (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-blueprint (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Geronimo OSGI factory registry (1.1)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxb-impl (

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxb-xjc (

                      geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec (1.1.1)

                      Stax2 API (3.1.1)

                      Web Services Metadata 2.0 (1.1.3)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: JSR-311 API 1.1.1 (2.0.0.redhat-60024)

                      Woodstox XML-processor (4.2.0)

                      Apache CXF API (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Karaf Commands (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime Core (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime Management (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      XmlSchema Core (2.0.3)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: wsdl4j (

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xmlresolver (

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: FastInfoset (

                      Apache CXF Runtime JAXB DataBinding (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime XML Binding (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime SOAP Binding (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      OPS4J Pax Web - Extender - Whiteboard (1.1.11)

                      Apache CXF Runtime HTTP Transport (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime JAX-WS Frontend (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime Simple Frontend (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime JAX-RS Frontend (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF JAX-RS Extensions: Search (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF JAX-RS Extensions: Providers (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime Aegis Databinding (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime XmlBeans DataBinding (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xmlbeans (

                      Apache CXF Runtime CORBA Binding (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime Colocated Binding (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime Local Transport (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime Object Binding (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime HTTP Jetty Transport (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Spring Web Servlet (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Spring Web (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Spring JMS (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      Apache CXF Runtime JMS Transport (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF XJC Runtime (2.6.0)

                      Apache CXF Runtime WS Policy (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache Neethi (3.0.2)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: saaj-impl (

                      Apache WSS4J (1.6.9)

                      Apache XML Security for Java (1.5.2)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: opensaml (

                      Apache CXF Runtime WS Addressing (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime WS Security (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: ehcache (

                      Apache CXF Runtime WS Reliable Messaging (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime WS MetadataExchange (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime JavaScript Client Generator (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Runtime JavaScript Frontend (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: js (

                      Apache CXF Runtime Clustering (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache CXF Compatibility Bundle Jar (2.6.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-cxf (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-cxf-transport (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-jms (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-csv (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-csv (1.0.0.r706900_3)

                      camel-ftp (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-bindy (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-jdbc (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-exec (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Commons Exec (1.0.1)

                      Apache Commons IO Bundle (1.4)

                      camel-jasypt (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-saxon (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: saxon9he (

                      camel-snmp (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: snmp4j (

                      camel-ognl (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: ognl (

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: javassist (3.12.1.GA_2)

                      camel-routebox (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-script (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Groovy Runtime (1.8.6)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: Scripting API 1.0 (2.0.0.redhat-60024)

                      JRuby 1.7.2 (1.7.2)

                      Spring Test (3.1.3.RELEASE)

                      camel-spring-javaconfig (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-jaxb (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-http (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-httpclient (

                      camel-jetty (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-jmx (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-mail (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-paxlogging (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-rmi (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      OPS4J Pax Web - Jsp Support (1.1.11)

                      OPS4J Pax Web - Extender - WAR (1.1.11)

                      OPS4J Pax Web - FileInstall Deployer (1.1.11)

                      Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Web Commands (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      OPS4J Pax Url - war (1.3.6)

                      Apache Karaf :: Management :: MBeans :: Web (2.3.0.redhat-60024)

                      camel-quartz (2.10.0.redhat-60024)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: quartz (

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-dbcp (

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: abdera (0.4.0.incubating_6)

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxen (

                      Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: axiom-impl (

