1. Re: Starting a Route with a paremeter via JMX
eric.bender May 2, 2013 2:21 PM (in response to eric.bender)Just for more information, if I had an MBean with an operation such as:
@ManagedOperation public synchronized String doStuff(String theParam) { //What goes here? }
And this would need to spawn an existing route such as:
<osgi:camelContext id="context1" xmlns=...> <route id="route1"> <from uri="direct:theStart"> ....do stuff with the String parameter, header, etc... </route> </osgi:camelContext>
I just don't currently understand how I can feed a value form the bean to the route, as well as start the route. I am guessing it is more obvious if I use a java routebuilder, but I am still hoping for some assistance in getting started.
2. Re: Starting a Route with a paremeter via JMX
davsclaus May 3, 2013 2:11 AM (in response to eric.bender)Yeah XML is much harder because its not a programming language. So it depends really what you want to do with the parameters, if its possible to do.
You can also put together a route in XML from java code and load the route from an input stream as shown here:
Or have the route as a template in an XML file and then "replace" tokens from the XML file with the parameter, in some java code. And you would need a bit of java code anyway for the JMX operation.
You can also use template langauges like Velocity / Freemarker to build the XML. They have "XML programming" as they have functions you can use in the template files.