0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 24, 2013 11:49 PM by drdennis

    javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: invalid provider




      I am trying to add a JavaMail client to Fuse(4.4.0-fuse-00-43)  and keep getting a javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: invalid provider.  I believed it to be caused by the fact that the mailapi is installed and not mail.  I have tried uninstalling the mailapi and installing the following:

      install wrap:mvn:javax.mail/mail/1.4.3

      This installs the service but the description still states JavaMail API and still provides the same error.

      I then uninstalled it and installed:

      install wrap:mvn:javax.mail/com.springsource.javax.mail/1.4.0

      Which lists itself as Java Mail 1.4.0 but still leaves me with the same error.

      I have run a JavaMailTest class on the server which hosts fuse and it connects perfectly to my mail server (Apache James).

      If you have any suggestions on what I could try it would be much appreciated.





      Edited by: drdennis on Jun 25, 2013 3:48 AM