0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 3, 2013 9:21 AM by salvatore.matino

    Fabric Ensemble - cxfrs endpoint url


      Hi all,


      i've create one fabric ensemble with 3 fabric server on 3 different server, every fabric server have one container with broker :


      FuseESB:admin@esb-n1> fabric:ensemble-list





      FuseESB:admin@esb-n1> fabric:container-list


      esb-n1*                        1.0       true    fabric, fmc, fabric-ensemble-0001-1

        broker1                      1.0       true    brokerProfile                  success

      esb-n2                         1.0       true    fabric, fabric-ensemble-0001-2, fmc success

        broker1-n2                   1.0       true    brokerProfile                  success

      esb-n3                         1.0       true    fabric, fabric-ensemble-0001-3, fmc success

        broker1-n3                   1.0       true    brokerProfile                  success


      Now i would like deploy  my application that use cxfrs endpoint but i don't understand how  i can configure my cxfrs route to  discovery my service?


      ES my cxfrs is as follow







      where esb.service.endpoint.address is server address.


      if i use /CRM if server_1 is unavailable also my service is unavailable.


      (For example i would use the same approach that use with active mq, the client to connect use discovery(fabric:default) )



      Thanks in advance




      Edited by: salvatore.matino on Jul 3, 2013 7:45 AM


      Edited by: salvatore.matino on Jul 3, 2013 1:21 PM