3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 3, 2013 4:04 PM by makfuse911

    SSH not working on Fuse Enterprise 7.1.0-fuse-047


      This is what I get when I tried to log in.


      ssh smx@hostanme 8101

      smx@hostanme's password:

      Permission denied, please try again.

      smx@'s password:

      Permission denied, please try again.

      smx@'s password:

      Permission denied ().


      I used smx as password as well as username.

        • 1. Re: SSH not working on Fuse Enterprise 7.1.0-fuse-047



          Ensure you have permission to access the files in .ssh folder.


          Also you can edit .ssh/known_hosts and remove the line(bak that file just in case you wanna rollback) start with "hostanme" you try to ssh on.



          • 2. Re: SSH not working on Fuse Enterprise 7.1.0-fuse-047

            I think it has to do with my password. This is what it says when I run the command under an administrator account.


            ssh karaf@ip-addr 8101


            @         WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!          @


            Permissions 0644 for '/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open.

            It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.

            This private key will be ignored.

            bad permissions: ignore key: /.ssh/id_rsa

            Enter passphrase for key '/.ssh/id_rsa':

            karaf@ip-addr's password:

            Permission denied, please try again.

            karaf@ip-addr's password:

            Permission denied, please try again.

            karaf@ip-addr's password:

            Received disconnect from ip-addr: 2: Too many attempts.

            • 3. Re: SSH not working on Fuse Enterprise 7.1.0-fuse-047

              Have you fixed this issue. I have an issue where I am still prompted for password after using ssh-keygen and adding the key to the keys.properties file. I think I will open another topic on it.