Hi all,
this my situation with two OSGI bundles.
I've defined a xsd in bundleA/src/main/resources/META-INF/customers.xsd from which with maven-jaxb2-plugin I generate my classes with a proper package name based on the xsd namespace.
Of course I've exported the package name in the bundleA manifest.
Then in a bundleB i've the wadl with in its grammar
$/src/main/resources/META-INF/wadl/PersonService.wadl</wadl> <extraargs> <extraarg>-interface</extraarg> <!-- <extraarg>-impl</extraarg> <extraarg>-nexclude</extraarg> <extraarg>http://marmac.name/tutorials/myosgi/model/to/</extraarg> --> <extraarg>-verbose</extraarg> <extraarg>-catalog</extraarg> <extraarg>$/catalog1.xml
The issue are the following:
- the customer types defined in the xsd are generated even in the bundleB
- when I deploy the 2 bundle in Karaf 2.3.3 I got an ClassNotFoundException of the customer type defined in the xsd so that the bundleB doesn't start.
is there a way to avoid regenerating the customerType?
I tried the option -noTypes but i'll generate the interface without the types and with response instead of the Customer type.
isn't available an option that just exclude a package name from be regenerating ?
The need for this is given by the fact that in this way i can share the types between a REST service with WADL and SOAP Service with WADL. and I can reuse the types.
Thanks a lot