0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 15, 2014 3:41 AM by vmahe

    Howto patch Fuse 7.1 with pax-url-mvn-1.3.7.jar


      Hello Everyone,


      We have are using fuse-esb-full-7.1.0.fuse-047 with a JDK 1.6.


      It seems this version of Fuse ESB is totally ignoring our nonProxyHosts parameter in our Maven configuration (set in our exernal $MAVEN_HOME/settings.xml file). And we definitely need it because we fetch some OSGI bundles from a Maven repository which is located in our internal network.


      This is a known issue with the pax-url-mvn-1.3.5.jar which has been solved in version 1.3.7 :



      Can you tell me what is the easiest way to patch our current Fuse ESB version with this new version of Pax-URL library ?

      It seems that there are some references to this library in the $FUSE_HOME/etc/startup.properties file but when we change the version to 1.3.7 and put the pax-url-mvn-1.3.7.jar file in the $FUSE_HOME/system/org/ops4j/pax/url/pax-url-mvn/1.3.7/ folder, it does not solve the issue.

      Do we need to deploy the pax-url-mvn-1.3.7.jar file in the $FUSE_HOME/lib/endorsed folder or anywhere else ?





