3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 25, 2014 4:41 PM by van.halbert

    DashBoard export error with both csv and xls.


      I am testing Dashboard which come with JBoss Data Virtualization.
      Then, I have errors when I tried to export data to csv, or xls files by clicking icons from data table.

      csv, xls both made error output,
      I checked Internet, but I could not any helpful information.

      If anyone know how to configure dashboard, could you please give any advise.
      Any Informaion would be appriciated.

      My test environment is this

      OS: REHL 6.5
      Developer Studio: 7.1.1GA
      Data Virtualization: 6.0.0.GA
      Teiid Desiner: 8.3.3Final
      Java: OpenJDK 1.7.0_45
      Browser: FireFox 31.0

      I put error log as atached file.