0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 27, 2014 10:57 PM by tamim.khan

    How to build WSDL for Fuse ESB.



      I am very new in open source world and also in Fuse ESB.

      I have Install jboss-fuse-6.1.0, FuseIDE-6.0.0 and  also JBoss Developer Studio 7.1.1.GA in my windows machine.

      Now I need to use Fuse ESB as a reverse proxy for a SOAP services. My SOAP service deploy in some other server in Jboss. I am browse the wsdl and can send request using SOAP UI.

      Can any one help to figure it out,

      1. How can I a maven plugin bundle from WSDL (using some IDE or command line)   

      2. How can I deploy that bundle to my Fuse ESB.

      3. How can I configure the routing behavior in Fuse ESB Management console.



      Tamim Khan