0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 2, 2014 11:46 AM by vince_fr

    Plagued with previews issues


      Hi (Ramesh     )


      After setting up JBDV, Teiid etc ... and made all that working, I virtualized data from WS, RDB, flatfiles.

      The vdb, once deployed, works fine.


      After a couple of days, I made a simple change in order to alter a column type.

      Validated my syntax, no pb.


      Then wanted to see a preview and ... the issues started ....


      Here is my log, for the moment.


      17:40:03,303 WARN  [org.teiid.SECURITY] (New I/O worker #1) TEIID40011 Processing exception 'TEIID40046 VDB "PREVIEW_3df269ba-b794-4abb-b3f7-7b3573cb0903_SDW_ECB_project" version "latest" does not exist.' for session null.  Exception type org.teiid.client.security.LogonException thrown from org.teiid.services.SessionServiceImpl.getActiveVDB(SessionServiceImpl.java:259). Enable more detailed logging to see the entire stacktrace.



      Impossible to see any preview. And impossible to deploy another vdb.

      Of course, nothing changed since the last times (credentials ok etc ...).


      If you have any suggestion, thanks.

      Seems I'm not the only one with that issue ...

