9 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2014 2:08 PM by shawkins

    Any downsides to the implicit conversion of dates to strings when using a dynamic VDB?




      I deployed a dynamic VDB for a SQL Server database and noticed that the date columns are shown as strings when I check the column type metadata via DB Visualizer.

      Data Virtualization performs implicit conversions so queries with date values do succeed, like this one:


           SELECT * FROM SomeDW.dbo.SomeTable where lastservicedate >= '2014-01-01' AND lastservicedate <= '2014-03-31';


      But are there any downsides to the implicit data type conversion (i.e., performance) or is it perfectly fine to rely on this behavior?

      Any compelling reasons to define additional metadata in the dynamic VDB xml file to retain the date columns as dates?


