3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 7, 2014 7:22 AM by shawkins

    Return json content using webservice connection


      Hi Everyone,


      I'm new to your product and I'm loving it. However there is one little issue I'm facing which I'm struggling to solve.(It's been a week now) I'm connecting to a webservice with input as JSON and returns JSON content:
      Input Parameters query : string(4000) is:
      {"queryType":"groupBy","dataSource":"wikipedia","granularity":"minute","dimensions":[ "page" ],"aggregations":[ {"type":"count", "name":"rows"}, {"type":"longSum", "fieldName":"count", "name":"edit_count"}], "filter":{ "type":"selector", "dimension":"namespace", "value":"article" }, "intervals":[ "2014-10-02T10:00/2014-10-03T00" ]}


      My SQL Result is:

      select * from ( exec "DataProviderView1"."runQueryJson"({"queryType":"groupBy","dataSource":"wikipedia","granularity":"minute","dimensions":[ "page" ],"aggregations":[   {"type":"count", "name":"rows"},   {"type":"longSum", "fieldName":"count", "name":"edit_count"}], "filter":{ "type":"selector", "dimension":"namespace", "value":"article" }, "intervals":[ "2014-10-02T10:00/2014-10-03T00" ]}) ) AS X_X


      org.teiid.runtime.client.TeiidClientException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Remote org.teiid.api.exception.query.QueryParserException: TEIID31100 Parsing error: Encountered "exec \"DataProviderView1\".\"runQueryJson\"([*]{[*]\"queryType\":" at line 1, column 57.

      Was expecting: "char" | "cast" | "convert" | "any" | "array_agg" | "case" | "exists" | "false" | "hour" | "insert" ...


      I have tested my steps by using an existing webservice called "CurrencyConvertor" from http://webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?WSDL and it works without any issues.


      My Setup steps are(I have attached the WSDL file):
      Teiid Import - "Web Service Source >> Source and View Model (SOAP)"

      Connection Profile - File From: http://demo.company.uk.com/company_webservice/DataProvider.asmx?WSDL

                                    - End Point: DataProviderSoap
                                    - Binding Type: SOAP11


      Service Mode: PAYLOAD

      WSDL Selection Details:

      Operation: runQueryJson

        binding: DataProviderSoap

        port: DataProviderSoap

        service: DataProvider

        id: {http://demo.intenda.uk.com/fraxses_webservice/}DataProviderSoap.runQueryJson

        input message: runQueryJsonSoapIn

        output message: runQueryJsonSoapOut

        fault names: none

      Procedure Definition:
      - Request
          Body - Schema Contents:

                     Element Info:


      - Response

      Body - Schema Contents:

                     Column Info:
                        Root Path - /tns:runQueryJsonResponse
                              Name: runQueryJsonResult, Data Type: string, Path: /tns:runQueryJsonResult



      If anyone can help in any way, I would be sooooo grateful.

        • 1. Re: Return json content using webservice connection

          > I'm new to your product and I'm loving it.


          Excellent.  Great to hear things are going well for a new user.


          As for the parser exception, Teiid does not accept a literal JSON, rather it must be specified as just a string literal in single quotes:


          exec "DataProviderView1"."runQueryJson"('{"...'

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Return json content using webservice connection

            Thank you Steve! I got it working by using double quotes for some reason:"{"queryType":"groupBy","dataSource":"wikipedia","granularity":"minute","dimensions":[ "page" ],"aggregations":[   {"type":"count", "name":"rows"},   {"type":"longSum", "fieldName":"count", "name":"edit_count"}], "filter":{ "type":"selector", "dimension":"namespace", "value":"article" }, "intervals":[ "2014-10-06T10:59/2014-10-06T11" ]}"


            I am now trying to convert the JSON response to XML.

            My original response view query is:


              SELECT t.* FROM XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES('http://tempuri.org/' AS tns), '/tns:runQuery1Response' PASSING Teiid_FRX_View.runQuery1_response.xml_in COLUMNS runQuery1Result string PATH '/tns:runQuery1Result') AS t;


            I've tried the following(JSONTOXML) but it does not like the format:


              SELECT t.* FROM XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES('http://tempuri.org/' AS tns), '/tns:runQuery1Response' PASSING JSONTOXML('tns:runQuery1Response', Teiid_FRX_View.runQuery1_response.xml_in) COLUMNS runQuery1Result string PATH '/tns:runQuery1Result') AS t;




            ERROR: TEIID30070 The function 'JSONTOXML('tns:runQuery1Response', Teiid_FRX_View.runQuery1_response.xml_in)' is a valid function form, but the arguments do not match a known type signature and cannot be converted using implicit type conversions.



            Thanks again!

            • 3. Re: Return json content using webservice connection