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1. Re: Couldn't set port to test http binding with SwitchYard
igarashitm Oct 9, 2014 9:28 PM (in response to tungtd)Hi,
It seems your test is based on HttpBindingTest in the http-binding quickstart. Does the HttpBindingTest itself work for you? If it works, what is the difference between HttpBindingTest and yours?
2. Re: Couldn't set port to test http binding with SwitchYard
igarashitm Oct 9, 2014 9:31 PM (in response to tungtd)BTW, this is a forum space to discuss about SwitchYard development. Please use following user forum to post a user question.
3. Re: Re: Couldn't set port to test http binding with SwitchYard
tungtd Oct 9, 2014 11:11 PM (in response to igarashitm)Hi Igarashi,
I found the issue. I thought the system property can be used for both REST binding and HTTP Binding. Actually, my binding is REST binding, so in order to create a embedded REST binding with specific port I use these 2 properties:
System.setProperty("org.switchyard.component.resteasy.standalone.port", "8082"); System.setProperty("org.switchyard.component.resteasy.standalone.path", "");