rtgov ip and switchyard file binding
amsokol19 Oct 26, 2014 5:03 AMDear All,
I create simple switchyard project that moves xml file from one folder to another.
Xml file example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Data xmlns="urn:ru.rdif:test1:Data:1.0">
I prepare rtgov IP project and define typeProcessors:
When I run project I get the following errors:
12:32:39,474 SEVERE [org.overlord.rtgov.activity.processor.TypeProcessor] (Camel (camel-5) thread #10 - file:///Users/amsokol/Development/workspace-1/--in) Context expression '/Data/Item/Id' failed to obtain a value from information: java.io.BufferedInputStream@475615f7
12:32:39,475 SEVERE [org.overlord.rtgov.activity.processor.TypeProcessor] (Camel (camel-5) thread #10 - file:///Users/amsokol/Development/workspace-1/--in) Property expression '/Data/Item/Value' failed to obtain a value from information: java.io.BufferedInputStream@475615f7
12:32:39,475 SEVERE [org.overlord.rtgov.activity.processor.TypeProcessor] (Camel (camel-5) thread #10 - file:///Users/amsokol/Development/workspace-1/--in) Property expression '/Data/Item/Id' failed to obtain a value from information: java.io.BufferedInputStream@475615f7
Does it mean rtgov is not supporting switchyard file binding?
or may be I do something wrong?
Thank you for help,