4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 4, 2014 11:48 AM by stavroskalamat

    How to fix invalid deployed VDB


      Same setup as in discussion with title:

      SQL script doesn't get pushed down to Aster Teradata data source



      Aster Teradata cluster (ATC)  <-->  JBoss DV with Dev Studio & Teiid (JDV)   <--> dbVisualizer (dbVis)

      All of the above, namely ATC, JDV and dbVis reside on different servers in different IP segments separated by Firewalls w/ appropriate ACL rules to allow traffic via port 31000 (dbVis -> JDV) and port 2406 (JDV -> ATC)


      I'm not the DBA on ATC but I can ask the db Qs if I have to.

      I have full ctrl of JDV and dbVis



      Aster Teradata is one of our data sources JDV connects to

      A Teiid JDBC connection to ATC, along with a VBLayer and VDB have all been configured from Dev studio and work perfectly fine

      Tested the JDV connection to Aster from dbVisualizer (dbVis) and can run simple queries (Select * from tbl LIMIT 10,  select count(*) from tbl, etc)



      Here's the sequence of events and actions I'm taking (right or wrong) to resolve:


      Lose connection to MainDB_VDB from dbVis with the following error:


      ... Physical database connection acquired for: MainDB_VDB

      11:54:40  [SELECT - 0 row(s), 0.000 secs]  [Error Code: 30504, SQL State: 50000]  TEIID30504 Remote org.teiid.core.TeiidProcessingException: TEIID30504 HSDW_Prod_DSrce: 34 TEIID11008:TEIID11004 Error executing statement(s): [Prepared Values: [] SQL: SELECT g_0. fld1_dim_key  AS c_0 FROM DBASE.dbSchema.tbl1 AS g_0 ORDER BY 1]

      ... 1 statement(s) executed, 0 row(s) affected, exec/fetch time: 0.000/0.000 sec  [0 successful, 0 warnings, 1 errors]


      Login to Admin console (see AdminConsole.jpg) where above VDB shows invalid.

      Click on the Invalid x and I get AdminConsoleErrors.jpg

      Click Reload and in the messages on the upper right corner of the console web pg I get the ClickReloadMsg.jpg (edited the VDB name in the error msg window)

      Status of VDB changes to REMOVED

      A refresh the web pg and the VDB status shows ACTIVE


      BTW, validating the VDB from Dev Studio's Model Explorer leads to a msg that says the validation completed with no errors or warnings.


      In an effort to execute the VBD I go back to the admin console to RELOAD -- Here's probably where I'm making a major error.

      When I refresh the Virtual Databases (under Runtime in Admin console) I a status of REMOVED and an Invalid x (Under Errors all VBLs are missing).

      Go back to Dev Studio and I try to execute the VDB from the servers tab at the bottom right pane and it executes successfully.

      Back to the Admin console the VDB is valid with status of ACTIVE.

      Back to dbVis where I refresh the connection to JBOSS DV I re-try to execute a qry and I get the above 30504 error (same error I expect and I get on a SQL Scrapbook)

      I rebooted the entire VM and everything is back to normal unti lthe next time I'll lose connection to the VDB.


      Also, the following issue may or may not be related to the one above.

      When I try from Model Explorer to deploy the VDB (right click on it -> Modeling -> Deploy) I get a VDB Refresh windows (see jpg) that runs forever.

      If I try to Execute the VDB I get a VDB is loading windows (see jpg)



      Obviously I'm messing up somewhere. Can you provide advice what I need to re-build, re-config or completely change ?


      As usual any other helpful info I'm forgetting and it's req'd to expedite advice or resolution please ask and I'll provide ASAP.



      Stavros K.

        • 1. Re: How to fix invalid deployed VDB



          Once you deploy the VDB file, if it is deployed in the ACTIVE status, you never need to re-deploy or reload again. Reload is there for entirely different reasons. You can check the DV logs or console where you started the DV to check the ACTIVE status. If Web-Console is showing an error on ACTIVE VDB then that is a bug. I seem re-collect fixing something a while ago something similar to that.


          The main issue is, when you execute the query from "dbVis" why it is failing to execute in DV? there may be logs indicating the issue in "server.log" file, check it and correct it.



          • 2. Re: Re: How to fix invalid deployed VDB

            In another dbVis executing failing script situation I opened up the server.log but i didn't gather anything pertained  to the TEIID30504 error. So, I checked the jbosseap6-stdout file from bottom to top searching for 30504. That led me from jbosseap6-stdout.jpg to jbosseap6-stdout1.jpg where the error "connector worker process failed for atomic-request"  shows.


            I googled the latter and I bumped into the URL:  Bug 1034831 – Select count(*) from SQL Server database throws exception

            Led by the URL I made 2 Admin Console config changes showing in Security jpg.


            I know that change takes care the Aster-JDV connection. Is it possible that the 30504 error manifests bc the JDV-Aster conn. was failing ?

            I opened up a ticket with dbVis to troubleshoot the dbVis-JDV connection.


            Any other recommendation ?




            1 of 1 people found this helpful
            • 3. Re: Re: How to fix invalid deployed VDB

              All your exceptions from logs show an exception "com. aster data .ncluster.jdbc.core.MuleException" being thrown by asterdata's JDBC driver, when a JDBC query is being executed through Teiid. I suggest you open the Asterdata's log and see why these exceptions are occurring and try to fix the issue.



              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: Re: How to fix invalid deployed VDB

                Yesterday night I gave the error date/time (Fri 10/31/2014) and a screenshot of the error description straight out of the JBOSS logs to the designated Aster DBA, so he can dig out more info regarding the error from his end. Unfortunately, this morning, he told me that the Aster logs don't go that far back so the only confirmation he could offer was  that the script indeed failed.


                After the change I implemented above (posting on Nov 3, 2014 2:06 PM) I have not seen any other  script failing  so that problem may have been, at least, tempered if not mitigated.



                Feel free to end this thread. I'll re-open it if I start experiencing similar JDBC failures and I have a solution for them OR if there's more info I need to add as helpful hints for others


