1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 8, 2014 7:37 AM by shahid.farooq.3551

    REST Full Web Service in Camel Route JBOSS Fuse



      I developed a REST service and declared its endpoint in camelContext file using cxfrs tag. like this


      <cxf:rsServer id="ldapServer" address="http://localhost:9090/ldaproute"

        serviceClass="com.saanga.ES.ESB.LDAPTest" />



        <camelContext trace="false" id="ldapContext" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">

          <route id="ldapRoute">

              <from uri="cxfrs:bean:ldapServer"/>

              <log message="${body}"/>



                      <simple>${in.header.operationName} == 'addUser'</simple>

                      <bean method="addUser" beanType="com.saanga.ES.ESB.LDAPTest"/>


                          <json library="Jackson"/>




                      <simple>${in.header.operationName} == 'updatePassword'</simple>

                      <bean method="updatePassword" beanType="com.saanga.ES.ESB.LDAPTest"/>


                          <json library="Jackson"/>




                      <bean method="authenticateUser" beanType="com.saanga.ES.ESB.LDAPTest"/>


                          <json library="Jackson"/>







      Now if I want to pass multiple values to adduser method like HttpHeaders and post data from client it only takes first parameter and second one is null. Adduser signature is

      public CustomResponseRest addUser(@Context HttpHeaders headers,String data)


      can anyone please tell how to pass multiple values from cxfrs to bean processor method. I tested this without camel it works fine but in camel bean method only takes first parameter. I read in manning book about parameter binding for bean but unable to understand how that will work in REST context. Please help.