0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 22, 2014 4:59 AM by masummymesingh

    Multi-Module large project building problem


      VenGard ERP description:  VenGard ERP has 20 module mentioned this figure.  One module depends on other module. Like: Sales depends three module on inventory, order management, accounting.




      So, My JAVA EE EAR structure is:  Every module is  EJB jar . for building project we use maven . for one module , one programmer is responsible.





      Problem is: Development time problem

      1. Building time related problem :  When occur a business problem (changes) in one module , we need to build all module . it takes lot of time (5 mins) for building EAR File in development time . in some moment it is very critical .



      1. Building time Error : when a  programmer try to fixing a bug for a particular module (inventory), he need to  build all module . so, if occur any building error  from other module(sales)    he cannot  identified easily  from other module bug  in EAR file building time .


      My Expectation : when problems comes from a particular module , we want to build and test  only this module not all  module , it save lot of time and hassle .


      We want to build all modules only one time (release, regression test).


      pls help me ?