6 Replies Latest reply on Dec 16, 2014 1:55 PM by pferraro

    Infinispan 6.0.2 issues in WildFly 8.2.0



      I am trying to use Wildfly 8.2.0's bilt-in  Infinispan cache. I compiled my WAR with a run-time dependency on Infinispan (with Gradle):


      //We want to use Infinispan cache builtinto Wildfly, so here we only compile against it

      providedCompile "org.infinispan:infinispan-core:6.0.2.Final"


      I also declared dependency to Infinispan in my WAR via the jboss-deployment-structure.xml



          <!-- This allows you to define additional dependencies, it is the same as using the Dependencies: manifest attribute -->


            <module name="org.hibernate"/>

            <module name="org.infinispan"/>





      (I know that my Hibernate dependency works above, but...) for Infinispan I get run-time exception (most likely because of missing jar reference) when I reference the cache container in a Stateless EJB:


      Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/infinispan/commons/api/BasicCacheContainer



      What am I missing? Thanks!