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1. Re: Change for storage process
jayshaughnessy Jan 7, 2015 4:20 PM (in response to lzmuda)1 of 1 people found this helpfulI'm not sure but I don't think RHQ actually has a place to define it such that it affects only storage. I think you need to pass that directly to Cassandra (i.e. the storage node) by supplying the JVM_OPTS environment variable in rhq--server/rhq-storage/bin/cassandra[.bat].
2. Re: Change for storage process
lzmuda Jan 8, 2015 6:21 AM (in response to jayshaughnessy)Thanks for the reply. This path is correct, cause command ps -ef | grep returned storage process.
Unfortunately it isn't working (permissions are set correctly - 777).
However option "-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem" is working. It turn off using shared memory for jvm and /tmp is not used.