2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2015 5:13 AM by sammeek

    String truncates in jbpm-console


      Dear Board,


      I am using JBPM console to orchestrate web services. When I enter a webservice URL as a process input String (I am using custom work items), it sometimes truncates so that it misses a lot of the url.


      Any ideas how to solve this issue?





        • 1. Re: String truncates in jbpm-console

          Can you please share a project/test that reproduce the issue? so we can help you out. There are tons of things that can be wrong (in your code or inside the framework) but it is almost impossible to fix them if you don't show us exactly how you get the error.


          • 2. Re: String truncates in jbpm-console

            Hi Mauricio,


            There's not really a great deal to it. I set up a workitem in the MVEL file, I define a variable that use new  import org.drools.core.process.core.datatype.impl.type.ObjectDataType() (I don't use StringDataType() because the process may receive a GML stream). When I enter the URL as a variable in the inputObservations/ inputAuthoritativeData, the URL truncates for some reason (only some of the time):



              "name" : "Pillar4PointInPolygon",

                "parameters" : [

              "wpsURL" : new StringDataType(),

              "processDescription" : new StringDataType(),

                "inputAuthoritativeData" : new ObjectDataType(),

              "inputObservations" : new ObjectDataType(),


                "results" : [

                "result" : new ObjectDataType(),

                "qual_result" : new ObjectDataType(),




            The rest of the processes and workflows work fine and I can produce an output.



