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1. Re: Plugin to simultaneously deploy files to a large number of platforms
lzoubek Jan 29, 2015 7:06 PM (in response to lzmuda)Hey Lukasz,
I think deploying config files via bundles pretty much fit into your use case you can either deploy your bundle to platform resource and lay down any files anywhere (assuming agent has write permissions). What is it that prevents you using it?
Another (still bundles) way could be using Bundle Handover feature, you'd be able to reload/restart app servers using particular plugin as a part of bundle deployment without need to pass address, port and credentials via bundle input parameters, but that would require some conding in plugins.
2. Re: Plugin to simultaneously deploy files to a large number of platforms
lzmuda Jan 30, 2015 7:49 AM (in response to lzoubek)Hey Libor,
Thanks for the reply. I think that you're right and I can use Bundles.