0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 9, 2005 4:04 PM by cpalm

    JNDI session ejb files in .HAR?



      I'm trying out a simple application with JBOSS-4.0.2 and hibernate 3.0
      I currently have a simple pojo and a session bean that is trying to access this pojo.
      To test this out I have a client that is trying to do a jndi lookup of the session bean.
      I get a jndi name not bound error.
      I have the JNDI name specified in the jboss.xml, so this leaves me to believe I'm not deploying my ejb correctly.

      Does the ejb classes go into the .har as well or are they supposed to go into an separate .jar


      The contents of my ear and har are as follows.

      Archive: PMCounter.ear
      inflating: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
      inflating: META-INF/jboss-app.xml
      inflating: pmcounter.har
      inflating: pmcounter.war
      inflating: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
      inflating: META-INF/jboss.xml
      inflating: META-INF/application.xml

      Archive: pmcounter.har
      inflating: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
      inflating: META-INF/hibernate-service.xml
      inflating: ejb/pm/PMSessionBean.class
      inflating: ejb/pm/PMSessionBeanSession.class
      inflating: ejb/pm/PMSessionBeanUtil.class
      inflating: exception/InfrastructureException.class
      inflating: interfaces/pm/PMSession.class
      inflating: interfaces/pm/PMSessionHome.class
      inflating: moid/MoidCounter.class
      inflating: moid/PM.class
      inflating: moid/RNCPm.class
      inflating: moid/RNCPmDAO.class
      inflating: util/Debug.class
      inflating: util/HibernateUtil.class
      inflating: moid/MoidCounter.hbm.xml
      inflating: moid/PM.hbm.xml