1. Re: [forge-users] Is there any addon which creates stateless seassion beans?
gastaldi Feb 23, 2015 7:22 AM (in response to hosein)Hello,
Check the logs in ~/.forge/log/forge.log
We have fixed forge to display the error when installing addons in the master branch and it will be available in our next release.
Em 23/02/2015, às 09:10, forge-users@lists.jboss.org escreveu:
forge uses extended transaction type and stateful session beans by default,
Is there any addon which creates stateless session beans?
Im considering to build an addon which generate session beans so that used container managed transaction and stateless session beans,
I go through this tutorial http://in.relation.to/24930.lace but I can not install my addon and a silent exception thrown with this message :
Addon com.builder:statelessBuilder-beta,1.0.0-SNAPSHOT could not be installed.
whats the problem?
Im using Intellij IDEA 14, JDK 7
Posted by forums
Original post: https://developer.jboss.org/message/919657#919657
forge-users mailing list
forge-users mailing list
2. Re: Is there any addon which creates stateless session beans?
danielcunha Feb 23, 2015 7:26 AM (in response to hosein)Hi Seyed,
"forge uses extended transaction type and stateful session beans by default"
What do you want to mean with that?
the javaee addon has an option to create new EJB's. the command is new-ejb if I remember well. The javaee addon is part of the forge core, so if you use the forge-offline distribution you have this option, case you don't have, you need install this addon.
You can see the code here: core/NewEJBCommand.java at master · forge/core · GitHub
"Addon com.builder:statelessBuilder-beta,1.0.0-SNAPSHOT could not be installed."
Can you try again and share the log?
Daniel Cunha (soro) -
3. Re: Is there any addon which creates stateless session beans?
hosein Feb 24, 2015 6:15 AM (in response to danielcunha)Hello,
By this "forge uses extended transaction type and stateful session beans by default"
I mean if you create new forge project, create your entities and then scaffold them, forge creates stateful session beans and inject an extended persistence context in them by default. I want to generate stateless session beans instead. so that generated codes includes separated CDI beans, stateless session beans and xhtmls .
I remove previous generated forge.log to check the exception log but forge doesn't create it again.
this exception "Addon com.builder:statelessBuilder-beta,1.0.0-SNAPSHOT could not be installed." occurred but ~/.forge/log/ is empty !