0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 25, 2015 10:58 AM by saku.koivu

    GetProcessInstanceVariablesCommand missing




      i would like to get the runtime process instance variables,

      i miss the GetProcessInstanceVariablesCommand as a counterpart to the SetProcessInstanceVariablesCommand,

      our setup: persistent jbpm, remote (either jms or rest), version 6.1.0.Final,


      there is a nice collection of various "get variable" usages here:



      because we use the remote api, the following dont work

      1. call execute() with a GenericCommand on a KieSession

      2. getting ProcessInstance and then casting to WorkflowProcessInstance (on which i could call the getVariable() method)


      3. GetVariableCommand doesnt work for me (returns null), i dont know how to handle the context attribute there (no docs/examples available)


      the only thing that seems to work is to use AuditService, or create a FindVariableInstancesCommand, but it uses the AuditService, not returning the variables from the process runtime,

      i would like to get the variables from the process runtime, because im using a List process instance variable, and audit service can only return strings



      why there is no GetProcessInstanceVariablesCommand (which would return Object)?

      how can i do it (using remote api)?

