1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 13, 2015 2:37 AM by hchiorean

    Missing "intializedAt" key in Document object - RepositoryCache()  modeshape-jcr-api-3.1.1.Final.jar while setting up repository


      Hello - I'm getting error while setting up repository using modeshape 3.1.1.jar -


      RepositoryCache() constructor -

      Document info = repositoryInfo.getContentAsDocument(); // line 171

      Below is the debug hover on info object -

      Info -

      { "repositoryName" : "documentation" , "repositoryKey" : "ba2a165" , "sourceName" : "CONTENT" , "sourceKey" : "238a131" , "createdAt" : { "$date" : "2015-03-05T19:33:43Z" } , "intializer" : "c8b44dd0-06de-4a59-b866-aa53f09ac0f9" , "createdWithModeShapeVersion" : "3.1.1.Final" }


      After this, the code checks for value of "intializedAt" key to set the initialized variable as true- 

      if (info.get(REPOSITORY_INITIALIZED_AT_FIELD_NAME) != null) {

                          initialized = true;




      Since the info object is missing the intializedAt key, the repository is not getting initialized and error is getting displayed -

      if (!initialized) {

                      LOGGER.error(JcrI18n.repositoryWasNeverInitializedAfterMinutes, name, numMinutesToWait);

                      String msg = JcrI18n.repositoryWasNeverInitializedAfterMinutes.text(name, numMinutesToWait);

                      throw new SystemFailureException(msg);



      Jdk version - 1.7


      Do I have to make any specific entries in my standalone for this?



