4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 31, 2015 9:42 AM by pferraro

    Wildfly 8.1.0 Clustering with CachedAuthenticatedSessionMechanism


      I have a problem with session replication and form authentication on Wildfly 8.1.0.Final. I have a working cluster, and I've added <distributable/> to my web.xml. Sessions are being replicated but the AuthenticatedSession attribute containing the Principal does not get synced which means failover and load balancing don't work. Other attributes I set on the session are replicated and visible on other nodes, just the AuthenticatedSession is ignored.

      This is the the same issue described here https://developer.jboss.org/thread/235780 which was supposedly fixed in 8.0.0.Final. But looking at the commit for the associated bug, it looks like that whole mechanism has been rewritten.


      I don't want to enable SSO (which masks this issue, but introduces other problems in 8.1.0), I just want the authentication status of a session replicated across the cluster so that failover and load balancing work. Should this be working? Am I doing something to break it?


