1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 16, 2015 1:51 AM by pmm

    Jboss 7 Remote Secure/Unsecure EJB call


      I need to  configure my Jboss 7 server instance for secure remote EJB calls over port 4447 for client_1.ear. I have an existing separate ejb client, client_2.war, who needs to make un-secure remote EJB calls.

      Can both client share the same port or will I now block client 2 if I secure the port?


        • 1. Re: Jboss 7 Remote Secure/Unsecure EJB call

          We had a similar requirement here's how we solved it:

          We made a technical user that doesn't have any roles. We changed the client who needs to make unsecure EJB calls to making secure EJB calls using the technical user (with a password hard coded on the client).


          The unsecure calls we support are just simple sever information displayed pre-login like the list of tenants, sever time and so forth.