0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 16, 2015 6:08 AM by er.rajneetbawa

    Child container not starting on fuse-fabric in windows xp 32 bit


      Hi Everyone,


      I need help on this one.

      I have created a service to be deployed on fuse fabric.


      I follow the following steps :

      1. Enter the karaf container using fusefabric.bat

      2. Create a fabric using fabric:create command.

      3. Then I deploy my service.

      4. Check the containers created using container -list command, which shows the child container for my service, but it is never alive and shows alive status as 'false' and nothing under provision_status column


      5. I even tried creating an empty child container using 'container-create-child' command, but it that never comes to be alive



      I am using Windows XP 32 bit with jdk and jre 7 on it... !

      Kindly help me why the child container nevers gets alive .. !