1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 29, 2015 9:40 AM by frenky1983

    Transactional scenario JBPM 6.2 and java application


      Hi to everybody,

      i use wildfly 8.2 as server

      this is my jbpm process




      the scenario is:

      1. start the process
      2. execute Human task (approved e.g.) On the database the task was marked as COMPLETED (datasource jbpmDS) (with Transaction.REQUIRED in EJB)
      3. In ScriptTask APPROVATO i call an EJB and in the ejb method i force an SqlException (simulating an operation failure to another db with datasource myDatasourceDS) (with Transaction.REQUIRED in EJB)


      i set the datasource in standalone file as xa-datasource.


      Is it possible to rollback the transaction and set the task to READY again?


      thank you very much