The Narayana team are proud to announce the release of Narayana 5.1.1.Final!
This was an early bug fix release to squash an issue discovered very late in the integration of Narayana 5.1.0 with WildFly.
The release notes for the two versions are available here:
5.1.0.Final: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310200&version=12326451
5.1.1.Final: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310200&version=12327157
The main new features that we have added are:
JBTM-860: use the JNDI information available from XAResourceWrapper to determine whether in-doubt Xids are still known about by the RM and use that to automate clean up the transaction log.
JBTM-2325: an update to transactional driver to allow XADataSource references to be passed by instance
JBTM-2342: Implementation of the new SPI discussed on the forum that allows users to register for updates when a transaction is active on a thread
The release also contains the several bug fixes and enhancements.
Due to the transition from WFLY 9 to 10 our PR has not been merged into WFLY master yet but I expect that to happen over the next week or two. You can track its progress here: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-4560
As always, you can download the release from our website: Narayana Homepage · Narayana
Happy coding,