1 Reply Latest reply on May 11, 2015 4:10 PM by shawkins

    How to uninstall Jboss data virtualization right?


      I am a new learner about the Jboss data virtualization.


      when I tried to install the  Jboss data virtualization, I want to do the install after a uninstall .

      By searching solutions from the Internet ,I just do the uninstall with delete the relative directory about  Jboss data virtualization——DV-6.1.0.

      However , the problem comes to me when I do a new install of Jboss data virtualization.

      In the last step ,some red errors appears following:

      Script /home/redhat/DV-6.1.0/jboss-eap-6.3/cli-scripts/disable-welcome-root.cli failed to run.

      JBoss CLI command failed: /subsystem=web/virtual-server=default-host:write-attribute(name=enable-welcome-root,value=false)


          "outcome" => "failed",

          "failure-description" => "No ModelControllerClient was available to execute the request.",

          "command" => "/subsystem=web/virtual-server=default-host:write-attribute(name=enable-welcome-root,value=false)"



      Failed to connect to Management Interface after 5 attempts.

      {"outcome" => "failed","failure-description" => "No ModelControllerClient was available to execute the request.","command" => ":shutdown"}