1 Reply Latest reply on May 19, 2015 8:32 AM by ibek

    Contents for baby to step next of "Hello World" on BPM


      I am a baby of using BPM Suite (and web development,).

      I was always troubled with the next step of "Hello World".



      Most of my interest to JBoss BPM Suite was Business 'Process' Modeling, not Business 'Rule' management.

      I feel that the documents and example of BPM Suite deviate to Rule designing.



      I could not get value from object on task.

      Any quickstart and example could not make me understand only how to it.

      I understood a way at last by youtube movie of jbpm uploaded SEVERAL years ago.



      The growth of BRMS is happy. But I want 'BPM step by step' contents to understand on BPM Suite because I think the BPM beginner who chose BPM suite may become the same situation  as me.

      (Then do I seem to check jBPM? It took three weeks to understand it with great thickness printout paper of BPM and BRMS document.)




      Thanks in advance.