0 Replies Latest reply on May 15, 2015 11:07 PM by bill.blackmon

    reRendering issue in RichFaces - dynamically updating a section of a page?


      I'm trying to update an


      element dynamically via an event fired by a

      <f:selectOneMenu> element. I am able to update the backing bean and it's collection but the list refuses to update. I have tried various

      <a4j> constructs with reRender etc. The only option I can see is somehow referencing the <f:selectItems id="sel1"> element in Java code

      somehow though I know this is either impossible and probably incorrect. I am new to Ajax and JSF but this has stumped me for several days

      and I really need to get past this problem or try another approach. The end user wants this capability of selecting a

      <h:selectOneMenu> element and updating a 'child' <h:selectManyListbox> 5 times on a single page.

      Then the page needs to be submitted, validated and written to the DB. Is this even possible? I am using JSF 1.2 and RichFaces 3.3 on top

      of JBosss Seam with Hibernate. 



      Relevant pieces follow:

      <a4j:region id="innerRegion">

      <s:decorate id="adjReason1">

      <ui:define name="label">Reason:</ui:define>

      <h:selectOneMenu id="adjReason1" value="#{manualReconClaim.entity.adjReason1}" 

      valueChangeListener="#{valueChangeListener.processValueChange}"  >



      <f:selectItems value="#{manualReconAdjReasons}"    />

      <a4j:support event="onclick" reRender="sel1" action="#{manualReconSelections.getManualReconRemitRemarks1}"></a4j:support>




      <s:decorate id="remit" template="/layout/edit.xhtml">

      <ui:define name="label">Remittance Remark:</ui:define>

      <!-- REFUSES TO BE UPDATED -->

      <h:selectManyListbox size="8" id="remCode"  required="true" value="#{manualReconSelections.remitCode}" >

        <f:selectItems id="sel1" value="#{manualReconRemitRemarks1}"/>






      The <"action="#{manualReconSelections.getManualReconRemitRemarks1}"> item works correctly - the backing bean is refreshed but the

      "f:selectItems id="sel1" value="#{manualReconRemitRemarks1}"/>" that should display these values is never refreshed.



      I am at a loss on how to solve this as I am a beginner to this type of front-end development.



      Any suggestions or hints is GREATLY appreciated!