5 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2015 6:35 AM by gaohoward

    how to route the messages in topic using jboss eap 6.1.1




      I am able to send the messages from Informatcia MDM 9.7.1 to jboss eap 6.1.1 . The messages are in message queue. Its showing like 5 messages 6 messages are in queue. But where I can see the messages? In weblogic I can able to see the unique Id the xml messages . But when i did in Jboss I don't know where I have to see the messages xml messages?


      Next question is I created the divert in jboss so that the messages in message queue can divert to topic. But the messages in message queue are not diverting into toipc. Please help me how to resolve this. Please send me the steps how to route the messages from Informatcia MDM 9.7.1 to topic using jboss eap 6.1.1


      Thanks & regards,

      Jeni J.M