In our app we have an Address entity. It's used in multiple places. In one of these places we need to audit it.
In other words, when address is a property of, say, object of class A, we want it audited. In other cases we don't.
Is there a way to achieve it using envers?
I tried creating a superclass for Address and then subclassing it with AuditedAddress and UnauditedAddress, but it didn't work.
When Address (the superclass) is marked as @Audited, it also audits the UnauditedAddress (no matter what combination of annotations I put on the UnauditedAddress).
When Address is not marked as @Audited it always complains that the AuditedAddress is audited, but its superclass: Address is not.
As I understand the documentation - it should work with: @AuditOverride(forClass = Address.class, isAudited = true), put on AuditedAddress, but the error is the same.
Is there a way to achieve my goal without having two entirely separate classes, without any inheritance, for it?