1. Re: Eclipse Plug in slow to add / remove projects
maxandersen Jun 16, 2015 7:59 PM (in response to sdwallace)15 minutes ? do you have some giant maven project that needs to download alot of dependencies so it wont be ready before that is done ?
2. Re: Eclipse Plug in slow to add / remove projects
sdwallace Jun 17, 2015 8:03 AM (in response to maxandersen)Max - Hi. No maven but you did get me thinking. There are a lot of node modules in the projects for grunt and gradle building (not needed when in IDE). I closed those projects that have these and tried add/remove and it was much faster (< 1 minute). Then I reopened those projects in question and added an 'exclude' resource filter on all those folders. That seem to do the trick.
Does that make sense to you? I guess I am surprised that adding / removing a web app function is drilling deep into projects.
Thanks for your help!
3. Re: Eclipse Plug in slow to add / remove projects
maxandersen Jun 17, 2015 8:32 AM (in response to sdwallace)ah interesting.
So what you are probably being hit with is if you enabled javascript on the project and *all* .js files are default included.
In Eclipse Mars we've added default exclude of bower components and minified javascript to avoid this.
Would be cool if you could try use latest nightly of our tools and see if things improves for you ?
It is one of the usecases we want to fix for Eclipse Mars and we've been looking for real-world examples and users to help provide feedback.
Maybe you are interested in helping us on that ?
4. Re: Eclipse Plug in slow to add / remove projects
sdwallace Jun 18, 2015 1:05 PM (in response to maxandersen)Max -
I probably can find time to try it out and give you feedback within the next couple of weeks (vacation next week). Was Mars just released out of curiosity?
5. Re: Eclipse Plug in slow to add / remove projects
sdwallace Jun 18, 2015 1:40 PM (in response to sdwallace)I did download Eclipse Mars. When searching the marketplace, it does not bring up JBoss Tools to install. Is this this because it is new and tools for Mars are not available? Have suggestions to install?
6. Re: Eclipse Plug in slow to add / remove projects
maxandersen Jun 19, 2015 11:17 AM (in response to sdwallace)Thanks!
Try nightly from JBoss Tools - Eclipse Mars 4.5 or otherwise it should be out on marketplace next week when Mars goes GA.