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1. Re: jboss AS 7.1.1 final - how to access to images, in html
orobin Jun 17, 2015 4:34 AM (in response to orobin)here is the other part of my question, I do't know why, it was sent...
so in my project, I have from the root :
/web/web-inf/web.xml (and faces-config.xml)
when I compile my servlet, in the out, artifacts, test_war_exploded.war folder, I don't see my static or images folder.
I see my classes, the WEB-INF, the index.xhtml.
so, when I run my servlet, it works, but I have no images.
I searched on the net, and don't find a solution that solve my issue. I ofund most of the time solution for jboss 5.
if someone could hlep me, it would be nice