1. Re: Using BRMS Rules on a Dynamic Web Project
tirelli Jun 22, 2015 1:28 PM (in response to bsl.lacerda)The best way is to create a jar file with your domain model and then set your domain jar as a dependency of the BRMS/rules project.
Although you can define your whole web application as a dependency, I would advise against it as it would bring with it transitive dependencies that would simply clutter the project and make it heavier.
2. Re: Using BRMS Rules on a Dynamic Web Project
bsl.lacerda Jun 23, 2015 8:57 AM (in response to tirelli)Thank you Edson for reply!
I'll have to refactor my web project to modularize it. Fortunately I'm using maven.
One more question is, when I refactor the project to extract the POJOs, I'll have a JPA project with JPA annotated classes and persistence.xml in it.
Do you think I'll have some problems with annotated JPA POJOs when upload the project as dependency of my BRMS project?
Thanks in advance.
3. Re: Using BRMS Rules on a Dynamic Web Project
tirelli Jun 23, 2015 9:22 AM (in response to bsl.lacerda)You should have no problems with JPA annotations (JPA obviously needs to be set as a dependency in the pom.xml, but nothing else). In fact the new version of BRMS even supports creating the JPA annotations for you, but that's a different discussion.
4. Re: Using BRMS Rules on a Dynamic Web Project
bsl.lacerda Jun 23, 2015 10:58 AM (in response to tirelli)I already refactored the web project and created the domain project with POJOs and everything is working as well.
Thank you again Edson for the explanations.