I am currently using jBPM6, KIE IDE, and Eclipse IDE to develop a BPM process. The process currently has one service task that I want to call a class that prints "Hello World!." Does anyone know how to "link" service tasks together with their classes.
Project Structure:
Hello World Service Task Properties:
So my question is how to run the program and have the workflow "call" my HelloService.java(prints hello world).
Eventually I would like to use the jBPM process on a bigger project to pass objects, strings, and other variables from class to class and orchestrate my entire project.
How do I link the workflow to orchestrate my hello-world project?
Do I need any other files, other than a main, to call my class using the workflow?
What do I need to take this a step further and pass values(objects, strings, ints) from class to class(service task to service task) to orchestrate a program with multiple classes?