1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 24, 2015 11:14 AM by kenfinni

    Wildfly swarm jax-rs multipart form NotSupportedException


      I have a fairly simple jax-rs application running on wildfly 9. It makes use of resteasy multipart form. It runs 100%. Now I am trying to run the same application with wildfly swarm, but get a javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException: Could not find message body reader for type .... multipart/form-data on execute of the resource post operation. This as far as I understand is the resteasy-multipart-provider. In my pom I have the wildfly-swarm-weld-jaxrs fraction. Is this not suppose to take care of the multipart features? If not how do I get it included in the swarm fat jar/package? I have tried including the resteasy-multipart-provider as a compile dependency, but this breaks the swarm application and it refuses to start/boot. Or have I missed something else?