1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 24, 2015 5:55 AM by ctomc

    WildFly 8.2.0 IO subsystem configuartion problem




      I'm trying to configure IO subsystem for WildFly 8.2.0. Worker has five attributes - io-threads, stack-size, task-core-threads, task-keepalive and task-max-threads.

      from CLI:

      "worker" => {"default" => {

                  "io-threads" => 10,

                  "stack-size" => 0L,

                  "task-core-threads" => 2,

                  "task-keepalive" => 60,

                  "task-max-threads" => 300



      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:io:1.1">

          <worker name="default" io-threads="10" task-max-threads="300"/>

          <buffer-pool name="default"/>




      1. When I'm adding task-core-threads="30" to worker, WildFly not started with exception "Message: JBAS014788: Unexpected attribute 'task-core-threads' encountered"

      2. If I'm setting this parameter from admin console - its not updated in configuration.

      3. If I'm left worker without this params (default value is 2 how we can see in CLI) - WildFly creates all 300 threads

        • 1. Re: WildFly 8.2.0 IO subsystem configuartion problem



          parameter task-core-threads is not really used and as such not properly wired trough the subsystem.

          it should be removed all together as it has no purpose as of current state of the implementation.

          workers will always grow to max size no matter what task-core-threads or "initial" size is.

          That it current limitation of the xnio thread pool management, as the auto growing thread pool doesn't preform well enough.