0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 11, 2015 9:47 AM by jayblanc

    What is the best way for calling secure EJB from a Server Side thread (like embedded FTP Server) ?



      I have an EJB application which include an FTP serve embedded. According to this FTP Server, I'm writing a FileSystemView which should be able to call som EJB code according to the authentified FTP user.

      For calling those EJB from the FTP server threads, I'm performing a JNDI lookup for getting the EJB and, to assume authentication, I'm using a dedicated LoginContext in order to propagate authentication to the EJB layer.

      This method is inherited from the old JBoss way that was using ClientLoginModule....

      I was wondering if there is another way to call EJB from a non managed server side environment thread but with user authentication propagation ?

      Thanks, Best regards, Jérôme.