I made a routine so that it can control the height of richfaces area: ExtendedDataTable. After breaking both his head and I hammered the search form below follows:
/ **
* ExtendedDataTable - Display area Control
* It is necessary the followingparam
* IdExtended -> Table ID that shows the ExtendedDataTable data
* XAlt -> Number of records to be displayed on the screen
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function alturaAreaExtended(idTabelaArea, quantRegistroLista) {
altura = var (quantRegistroLista * 18);
if (altura > = 89)
$ (document.getElementById (idTabelaArea)) height ("89px.");
$ (document.getElementById (idTabelaArea)) height ((altura - 1) + "px;");
You must pass the ID of the table where the data and the number of records in a list.
Saul Costa