1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 23, 2015 6:43 PM by jonasventurejr

    Wildfly 8.2.1, interface IP not propagated to acceptor


                              <acceptor name="netty"  socket-binding="messaging">






      <socket-binding name="messaging" port="5445" interface="public"/>





              <interface name="management"/>

              <interface name="public">

                  <inet-address value=""/>


              <interface name="unsecure"/>




      Above is my configuration.  The address that is bound to is and not  The same is true with this configuration:

              <interface name="public">

                  <nic name="eth0" />



      The only way i've gotten the acceptor bound to the proper address is with:


                  <outbound-socket-binding name="messaging">

                      <remote-destination host="" port="5445"/>



      And then of course that will not work since this is in domain.xml and all of the other nodes in the cluster end up trying to bind to the same IP.


      Any help would be much appreciated.

        • 1. Re: Wildfly 8.2.1, interface IP not propagated to acceptor

          I mistyped.  The only way I've been able to get it to work is actually:

                                  <acceptor name="netty"  socket-binding="messaging">


                                      <param key="port" value="5445"/>

                                      <param key="host" value="${jboss.bind.address}"/>



          and again, that won't work for domain.xml.