1. Re: Instrumenting Spark Streaming with Byteman
adinn Sep 28, 2015 2:47 AM (in response to shamte)Hi Saleh,
Can you confirrm that this is the correct text for your rule? if it is then I believe you have a typo in trhe pocndtion (missing bracket at end). Try fixing that and then let me know what happens.
If this is the case ten run your JVM with -Dorg.jboss.byteman.verbose on the java command line. You ought to see a parse error message.
Better is to check your rules offline efore runnign th eprogram. If you have downloaded a Byteman zip release then you can use the bmcheck script in th ebin directory to check your rules as follows
bmcheck.sh -cp /path/to/appcode.jar -cp /path/to/otherappcode.jar myscript.btm
(On windows youcan use bmcheck.bat)
If you are using maven to run your tests then you can use the Byteman maven rulecheck plugin to check you rules. See the Byteman docs page for the tutorial on how to use this plugin.
Andrew Dinn
2. Re: Instrumenting Spark Streaming with Byteman
shamte Sep 30, 2015 4:35 AM (in response to adinn)Hi Andrew,
Thank you for the response. As for the missing bracket, it was not the main problem. But I finally figured out how to do it. The method "flatMap" accepts a function as parameter and in my case I passed lambda expression "str -> Arrays.asList(str.split(" "))". With this, byteman returns a reference to that expression. But after changing the rule to as shown below, I was able to access the string object "str".
##Add timestamp to the trace packets inside the Arrays.asList method RULE inside "JavaDStream.flatMap" method CLASS Arrays METHOD asList AT ENTRY BIND value = $1 IF (value.get(0).toString().contains("trace")) DO str = value.get(0); str = str + "||at flatMap:" + System.currentTimeMillis(); $1.set(0, str); traceln("byteman at flatMap: " + str) ENDRULE
3. Re: Instrumenting Spark Streaming with Byteman
adinn Sep 30, 2015 7:29 AM (in response to shamte)Hi Saleh,
Thanks for following this up andI am glad you sorted out the problem. I would still recommend using bmcheck or the maven rulecheck plugin if you can. Both of those should at lest have told you that the rule could not be injected into the target class.
Andrew Dinn