1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 4, 2007 7:55 AM by rabbiaqaswar

    Unable to update record



      I have a persistent object that I generated using the Hibernate tools eclipse. I am able to insert a record, but I am not able to update a record. When I call that method, it always seems to issue in insert.

      Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

      DAO Code ---

      @Transactional( propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = false )
       public void persist(Service transientInstance) {
       log.debug("persisting Service instance");
       try {
       log.debug("persist successful");
       } catch (RuntimeException re) {
       log.error("persist failed", re);
       throw re;

      Object ----

      @Table(name = "service", uniqueConstraints = {})
      public class Service implements java.io.Serializable {
       // Fields
       private String serviceId;
       private String serviceName;
       private String status;
       private String locationIpAddress;
       private String companyOwnerId;
       private Date startDate;
       private Date endDate;
       private String licenseKey;
       private String serviceType;
       private String parentServiceId;
       private String rootResourceId;
       private String accessControlModel;
       private String param1;
       private String param2;
       private String param3;
       private String param4;
       private String param5;
       private Set<RequestApprover> requestApprovers = new HashSet<RequestApprover>(0);
       private Set<ServiceConfig> serviceConfigs = new HashSet<ServiceConfig>(0);
       private Set<RequestForm> requestForms = new HashSet<RequestForm>(0);
       // Constructors
       /** default constructor */
       public Service() {
       /** minimal constructor */
       public Service(String serviceId) {
       this.serviceId = serviceId;
       /** full constructor */
       public Service(String serviceId, String serviceName, String status,
       String locationIpAddress, String companyOwnerId, Date startDate,
       Date endDate, String licenseKey, String serviceType,
       String parentServiceId, String rootResourceId,
       String accessControlModel, String param1, String param2,
       String param3, String param4, String param5,
       Set<RequestApprover> requestApprovers,
       Set<ServiceConfig> serviceConfigs, Set<RequestForm> requestForms) {
       this.serviceId = serviceId;
       this.serviceName = serviceName;
       this.status = status;
       this.locationIpAddress = locationIpAddress;
       this.companyOwnerId = companyOwnerId;
       this.startDate = startDate;
       this.endDate = endDate;
       this.licenseKey = licenseKey;
       this.serviceType = serviceType;
       this.parentServiceId = parentServiceId;
       this.rootResourceId = rootResourceId;
       this.accessControlModel = accessControlModel;
       this.param1 = param1;
       this.param2 = param2;
       this.param3 = param3;
       this.param4 = param4;
       this.param5 = param5;
       this.requestApprovers = requestApprovers;
       this.serviceConfigs = serviceConfigs;
       this.requestForms = requestForms;
       // Property accessors
       @Column(name = "SERVICE_ID", unique = true, nullable = false, insertable = true, updatable = true, length = 20)
       public String getServiceId() {
       return this.serviceId;
       public void setServiceId(String serviceId) {
       this.serviceId = serviceId;