1. Re: how to set different network interfaces for each application running in the same CapeDwarf
alesj Oct 19, 2015 8:42 AM (in response to giacomo.genovese)What's the problem of simply using different context root?
e.g. app1 --> /myapp1, app2 --> /yourapp2
Or I don't understand the question ...
2. Re: how to set different network interfaces for each application running in the same CapeDwarf
giacomo.genovese Oct 19, 2015 9:27 AM (in response to alesj)Well, that's a good solution but...what happen if I want to assign one App to a private network?
3. Re: how to set different network interfaces for each application running in the same CapeDwarf
giacomo.genovese Oct 19, 2015 9:50 AM (in response to giacomo.genovese)
The command"EAP_HOME
/bin/domain.sh -b -Djboss.server.base.dir=Capedwarf/standalone1/ -Djboss.node.name=node1" and"EAP_HOME
/bin/domain.sh -b -Djboss.server.base.dir=Capedwarf/standalone2/ -Djboss.node.name=node2" could be a solution?From 9.8.2. Specify Which Network Interface the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Uses
4. Re: how to set different network interfaces for each application running in the same CapeDwarf
ctomc Oct 19, 2015 9:56 AM (in response to giacomo.genovese)that is different, this way you start two separate instances.
you initial question was about using same instance.
IT *is* possible but needs some extra configuration in standalone-??.xml file you are using to run the server.
first add new interface configuration (see bottom of the file) and than add new socket-binding that uses that interface.
you need to add new <server> to undertow subsystem and there configure your virtual host but most importantly you need to add new http/https/ajp-listener
that uses socket binding that you added above.
after all this you will need to tell server that your application needs to be bound to this server, to do so you need to add
<server-instance>name-of-server-you-added-in-standalone.xml</server-instance> to your WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml
and that should be it.
5. Re: how to set different network interfaces for each application running in the same CapeDwarf
giacomo.genovese Oct 19, 2015 11:22 AM (in response to ctomc)Hi Tomaz,
Thanks for your reply.
I'll try to explain as better as I can.
I would use 1 Capedwarf instance to run 2 web services.
Than, I need that each Web-service own one unique address in order to assign it to a private network.
I'm quite new using Capedwarf and Jboss, so I'm sorry for annoying you all.
Thanks a lot for your help!
6. Re: how to set different network interfaces for each application running in the same CapeDwarf
giacomo.genovese Oct 20, 2015 12:23 PM (in response to ctomc)Tomaz Cerar ha scritto:
that is different, this way you start two separate instances.
you initial question was about using same instance.
IT *is* possible but needs some extra configuration in standalone-??.xml file you are using to run the server.
first add new interface configuration (see bottom of the file) and than add new socket-binding that uses that interface.
you need to add new <server> to undertow subsystem and there configure your virtual host but most importantly you need to add new http/https/ajp-listener
that uses socket binding that you added above.
after all this you will need to tell server that your application needs to be bound to this server, to do so you need to add
<server-instance>name-of-server-you-added-in-standalone.xml</server-instance> to your WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml
and that should be it.
I needed one day to understand what Tomaz told me.I was missing many things about Capedwarf and JBoss.
So, I realized that, probably, my configuration should be:
- 1 Capedwarf running 1 server (I don't now if should use "managed domain" or "standalone" mode, maybe the first one is better);
- 1,2 or more Apps running in that Server.
Than, to get start with, I would ask you how to run two apps in the same Server in Capedwarf?
Note: My Apps are GAE Apps.
Thanks a lot!
7. Re: how to set different network interfaces for each application running in the same CapeDwarf
alesj Oct 21, 2015 5:26 AM (in response to giacomo.genovese)Than, to get start with, I would ask you how to run two apps in the same Server in Capedwarf?
Simply drop both apps into CapeDwarf.
CapeDwarf can run multiple apps, same way as WildFly can.
8. Re: how to set different network interfaces for each application running in the same CapeDwarf
giacomo.genovese Oct 21, 2015 9:15 AM (in response to alesj)Thanks Ales!
I supposed it was different somehow from how Wildfly does but in the end mine was just a naming problem. The apps had the same name.
I did it.
Now I will try to follow the Tomaz hints.
Thanks a lot again!