1. Re: Hot to Connect Teiid Designer to a JBoss domain and deploy a VDB ?
rareddy Nov 30, 2015 5:39 PM (in response to mirco73)Designer is not capable of connecting to the Teiid server in "domain" mode. We consider, domain to be used for QA/production purposes and at that level you should be using other types of deployment strategies (CLI, web-console) for deploying and testing. Designer is to aid development time activities only.
2. Re: Hot to Connect Teiid Designer to a JBoss domain and deploy a VDB ?
mirco73 Dec 1, 2015 9:26 AM (in response to rareddy)Ok, I got it.
Now I'm trying to deploy on a Teiid server in "domain" mode a VDB I executed in a "standalone" mode.
This VDB (we talked about some time ago) auto-generates a web service with the following properties:
<property name="preview" value="false"/>
<property name="{http://teiid.org/rest}auto-generate" value="true"/>
<property name="validationDateTime" value="Tue Dec 01 13:12:22 CET 2015"/>
<property name="validationVersion" value="8.12.1"/>
<property name="{http://teiid.org/rest}passthrough-auth" value="true"/>
When I deploy (with the Admin console) the VDB everything works fine, either with the JDBC connection and the REST connection
If I activate a Data Role with a mapped-role-name then from the REST call I get the error
<message>org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidSQLException: TEIID30492 User <anonymous> is not entitled to action <EXECUTE> for 1 or more of the groups/elements/procedures.</message>
I got the same error on the "standalone" mode until I added the passthrough-auth property but in the "domain" mode it does not seem enough,
Is there anything to add during the deploying with a "domain" mode ?
vdb.xml.zip 941 bytes
3. Re: Hot to Connect Teiid Designer to a JBoss domain and deploy a VDB ?
rareddy Dec 1, 2015 9:55 PM (in response to mirco73)It is exactly same in standalone and domain mode. In standalone not only you turned on pass-though, you must have added the security-domain to the "embedded" transport in the Teiid sub-system. You need to do same in domain de. Take look at the dmin.xml file and add appropriate xml configuration in correct *profile* and restart and test.
4. Re: Hot to Connect Teiid Designer to a JBoss domain and deploy a VDB ?
mirco73 Dec 3, 2015 9:24 AM (in response to rareddy)Hi Ramesh, you're right
As a matter of fact I modifed the domain.xml file and it worked out.
I'm facing now two more issues on the "domain" mode server
- The Auto-generated REST wars are correctly deployed when I deploy the VDB for the first time. If I restart the server, the VBDs are redeployed but the wars are not. In order to make them work I have to undeploy e redeploy the VDBs or to reload them from the admin-console
- The odata support seem not to work on the "domain" mode server. The same VDB, deployed in the "standalone" mode, works properly when it is called with an url like this:
the same VDB, deployed on the "domain" mode server, and called with the same url, gives me the error
JBWEB000309: type JBWEB000067: Status report
JBWEB000068: message /odata/testVdb.1/testView.fattureView
JBWEB000069: description JBWEB000124: The requested resource is not available.